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Sunday, December 12, 2010

How important is work life balance

Balance is a must in all aspects of life … for example balance between curricular and extra curricular activities in your student life, balance between earning and spending in your professional life, materialism and spirituality in your routine life, and so on. As soon as you get one sided, your life starts getting affected in a negative way. You have to balance yourself on a very thin line throughout your life to keep yourself on track. It’s like you are walking on a very narrow track, as long as you keep yourself balanced, you will keep heading towards your destination, the moment you go a little astray (on either side of the path), the destination is lost and you start falling down.

Work Life Balance:
Many people in today’s world are not able to balance their work with their routine lives, which results in serious stress problems. Work (our job, business or any other profession), of course is the most important thing for most of us, one can’t really do without working (except for some very rare born-with-a-silver-spoon cases). At times, you are so overwhelmed by the thought of accomplishing more and more in your life that you fail to pay attention on what you already have, it can be your family, friends or your health. Raising the bar constantly, you go from work to working hard, working overtime and ends up becoming workaholics.

Here’s when the ill affects starts approaching, you distant yourself from your family, your health deteriorate, and you miss out on so many special occasions and joys of life in your pursuit of your dream position or business. Your productivity level also suffers in these situations, working more do not always result in more accomplishment, rather such extensive efforts may fail you in the long run. Remember, you cannot sprint in the marathon or you may not even reach the finishing line, let alone finishing first.

How to balance:
Of course the best way to maintain work life balance is time management. You need to realize that your body and mind needs sometime off to keep performing on their optimum level. You deprive your body and mind of rest, and they will get even by stop responding to your commands, gulping down energy drinks is not going to help either. Best approach to deal with work-life imbalance is to make a time table and then do your best to complete your tasks within the given time frame and do not over burden yourself.


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