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Thursday, February 24, 2011

Things to remember when searching for job

Recent economic crisis has left many people unemployed. Being out of work for an extended period is a terrible experience to have, especially when you are the sole earner in your family. At these times, the only thing that lingers in your mind when searching for a job is that “you are jobless”. Such stressful situation can hurt your chances of getting a job because you are not able to do your best in job interviews, mainly because your mind stays overwhelmed with the worries and concerns. Therefore, the first thing you should do is to get a little loosen up, to let your mind work more freely and clearly.

Next step is to find a vacancy in your respective field. This part is not difficult, thanks to the Internet where you can find a number of portals to assist you in job search. You can upload your curriculum vitae at each of these websites and all it takes is a search with relevant keywords and a click on “apply now” button and your CV will be forwarded to the employer. If you’ve got the right qualification or experience, you can be sure of an interview call in most cases.

Some candidates get to the interviews with a negative frame of mind, thinking that there’s no way they can be selected. The truth is that most of the short listed candidates have fairly equivalent credentials; it is only after the interview that employers make their minds to select/reject a candidate, which means, you should approach every interview with positive mind and confidence. Don’t try too hard to impress the interviewee because you might end up talking too much, and whenever there is excessive talk, there’s every chance that you’ll come up with some thoughtless remarks or answers, resulting in a rejection.

Always follow up by sending a thank you letter (or email) to the employer after the interview. Tell them that it was a pleasant experience and you’re thoroughly impressed with their approach (yes, a little flatter can go a long way). Besides, follow up letter is a great way to put forward some of your plus points that you forgot to mention during the interview. In the end, whenever you receive a job offer, take some time to weigh up the salary and benefits against the duties you’ll have to perform. However, be practical instead of being greedy, especially in such circumstances when new jobs opening are already scarce to the point of non-existence.

Computer Wholesale Suppliers

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