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Thursday, January 06, 2011

The importance of Marketing Relevance

Not more than a decade ago, marketing was considered a relatively simple job, however with ever growing competition and consumers becoming more and more ad averse, marketing is turning out to be a job that leaves you pulling your hairs in frustration, every now and then. At times, it seems that you had left no stone unturned in your efforts to make more sales and still, you keep falling short of the target. Terms like ROI, targeted marketing or marketing relevancy are much weightier than they used to be, and the business owners and company directors are now capable of differentiating between the effective marketing and mere boondoggles by their marketing personals. On the other hand, customers are getting increasingly irritated by the manner businesses have bombarded the digital or print media with their ads, as a result they have gradually developed a tendency to skip any advertising material, come what may.

To cut the long story short, any advertisement that is not relevant will be rejected by the customer, straight away. Imagine that, an outright rejection, which can be regarded as an absolute failure for the marketing department. Therefore, spending time on marketing relevancy is as important as working on the idea and presentation of the ad (even more in many cases). For the reason that a brilliant idea will be wasted, in case the ads do not appear at the right place and at the right time. It applies on all types of marketing, namely online marketing (email marketing, pay per click advertisements or pop up banners), ads in electronic media (Radio & Television channels) or print media (newspapers and magazines).

Online marketing is much more efficient in this scenario, seeing that it provides the marketers with much more control over the display and exposure of their ads. You can spend bucket loads of dollars on sponsoring some of the most viewed TV shows and still more than half of the viewers would downrightly ignore the commercials. Why? Because they are in no mood to ponder over some buying decision in their leisure time, for example if some life insurance ad appears during a football match (viewers will be in a different state of mind altogether, because of the nature of the show). However, online marketing allows you to take help from useful data like search patterns or bouncing rate through different sources, enabling you to keep an eye on your marketing effectiveness throughout the time.

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