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Friday, June 25, 2010

Change, Learn to deal with this unchangeable reality in your professional life

The catchphrase for Obama's (now successful) election campaign was "Change", and the fact that it worked means Americans welcomed the idea of change. On individual level, we tend to approve of change when the proceedings are not good, and quite understandably we are annoyed when this inevitable comes at a time when everything was going smooth. So … is the change really bad or something good? Searching for the answer of this question is ineffectual, because whether good or bad, change is inescapable. Besides, the answer to this question (if the change is good or bad) depends on how good we are at dealing with change.

We can't control the universe, that's it:
Even though, we'd feel in control of the events in our lives at times, the fact is that things get out of control in no time and we are left with this unsympathetic reality that we are helpless (as far as the happening goes). But, we are absolutely in charge of our reaction and that's what really matters. Sometimes we distance ourselves from positive changes just because they are enforced upon us, or they seem to pull us out of our comfort zones. So the first step towards handling the change in a more positive way is to evaluate instead of rejecting instantaneously.

Look at the change as an opportunity:
Sometimes you get into some competition and find out that no matter how hard you try, you can't beat the old, experienced and established players, because they are just so comfortable with the techniques or procedures. Change can prove to be a blessing in these situations, a change in rules, introduction of some new technology or installation of new software, changes like these mean everybody has to start from the scratch. This is the time where you can create some sort of supremacy over others, but only if you were ready to embrace change. Sometimes we are too perplexed by the change that we fail to see the opportunity lying within the change.

Don't underestimate your potential:
We are much more capable of adapting to changes than what we assume of ourselves. (If we were not, we'd have vanished from the face of earth like those monstrous dinosaurs). On a more serious note, it's not that hard to adapt in most circumstances, all you need is to have some flexibility and focus. It’s quite possible that after sometime you’ll feel that you are much more comfortable with the new settings or situation.

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