How important are Performance Appraisals
There may be a huge difference between the performances of two employees, even when their qualifications or all other variables are same. Reason can be the difference in their dedication, commitment or personal traits. Quite obviously, the one who put more effort, more time or more commitment, for the growth of business than his/her counterparts, should be getting some extra reward for that. A timely salary increment or promotion for the best employee is not only an encouragement for the frontrunner; it also motivates others to work harder. If you don't come up with any kind of bonuses or rewards, it won't take long before you see a drop in that employee's performance graph too. Also, performance appraisals are essentials to keep a track of your overall business performance and figure out the deficiencies.
It may sound quite simple to choose the best contributing worker and hand him the reward. In reality, performance appraisals are something that needs lots of planning and careful thinking. Sure, it brings the sense of competition in your workforce, but the evaluations will also attract lots of puckered brows and objections. A flawed performance appraisal will go as far as completely shattering employee's confidence or loyalty towards your company. Bottom-line … don't take it lightly; you need to be extra cautious and fair when planning and implementing some performance appraisal program.
Guidelines for performance appraisal system:
Performance appraisal systems are based on some ranking or scaling criteria. Ideally, the judgment should be made with the help of statistics, along with the feedback coming from managers, coordinates and peers. Assessment criteria must be uncomplicated and easily available to everybody. Give them a transparent review system, where employees can judge themselves against their fellow workers, at any given time. Monitor the performance on regular basis instead of waiting for the month end before you go through the evaluation process. Don't try to stuff your performance appraisal plan with too many attributes and benchmarks, keep the requirements simple and easy to comprehend.
Performance appraisal Meetings:
The most important part of performance appraisal is to communicate with employees and discuss their overall performance. Don't discuss anybody's problem or dismal performance in front of his/her colleagues. Also, don't ignore past performances when judging an employee, if the worker has constantly been performing well except the present month, ask for the reason, especially if something is bothering him/her at workplace. Keep in mind the main objective of performance appraisal i.e. to encourage and motivate your employees, not to mark their short comings or hurt somebody's feelings.
It may sound quite simple to choose the best contributing worker and hand him the reward. In reality, performance appraisals are something that needs lots of planning and careful thinking. Sure, it brings the sense of competition in your workforce, but the evaluations will also attract lots of puckered brows and objections. A flawed performance appraisal will go as far as completely shattering employee's confidence or loyalty towards your company. Bottom-line … don't take it lightly; you need to be extra cautious and fair when planning and implementing some performance appraisal program.
Guidelines for performance appraisal system:
Performance appraisal systems are based on some ranking or scaling criteria. Ideally, the judgment should be made with the help of statistics, along with the feedback coming from managers, coordinates and peers. Assessment criteria must be uncomplicated and easily available to everybody. Give them a transparent review system, where employees can judge themselves against their fellow workers, at any given time. Monitor the performance on regular basis instead of waiting for the month end before you go through the evaluation process. Don't try to stuff your performance appraisal plan with too many attributes and benchmarks, keep the requirements simple and easy to comprehend.
Performance appraisal Meetings:
The most important part of performance appraisal is to communicate with employees and discuss their overall performance. Don't discuss anybody's problem or dismal performance in front of his/her colleagues. Also, don't ignore past performances when judging an employee, if the worker has constantly been performing well except the present month, ask for the reason, especially if something is bothering him/her at workplace. Keep in mind the main objective of performance appraisal i.e. to encourage and motivate your employees, not to mark their short comings or hurt somebody's feelings.
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