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Monday, October 27, 2008

Thinking Big - A Fundamental rule for your business planning

Thinking big combined with good planning and proper implementation can bring you huge rewards. It’s no more an option; it has become a must in today’s business world. Gone are the days when you were able to earn reasonable profits while staying in your comfort zone. Now you need to break the shackles and go all out if you want to succeed. If you don’t, you will soon find some large enterprise running over your business.

Your business is what you think of it:

All huge and truly successful businesses have one thing in common. Each of them has someone with a great vision at their back. Someone who managed to think ahead of others, who was able to visualize something huge in his mind and then transform that thought into reality. If you want your business to get big, you need to think big. Good positive thinking attracts riches.

Set goals that challenge you:

Many times, we are afraid of disappointment which will come our way in case of failure. This fear alone makes us aim for smaller targets instead of going for something big and rewarding. Making unrealistic goals is no doubt, a bad idea; the thing is to set a big enough goal that it challenges you. Challenge yourself to go and accomplish a little more than what you think you are capable of.

Innovative Ideas:

Some new value added to your product, innovative outlook, or some distinctive marketing idea can increase your clientele to a great deal. As soon as you start thinking big, you will find new innovations coming into your mind. New idea is a product of free mind; you can never embark upon any bright business idea if you keep thinking on same old lines.

Thinking big & Investment:

Negative thoughts often drag people into saving mode rather than investing, thus depriving them of all the profits that might have come their way from that investment. By thinking positively, you will be able to foresee the opportunities and obstacles lying ahead. You can plan to tackle the upcoming problems and invest more into opportunities.

Thinking big is thinking global instead of local. It’s like painting a picture on a bigger canvas. It protects you from unconstructive and limited style of thinking which has been the biggest obstacle of your way to prosperity. By changing your thought’s pattern you can change your business fate in no time.


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